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Baking biscuits and puff pastry in Cervera de Pisuerga (Palencia)
Quality recognitions
Our quality processes have been recognized by:

We are part of the protected distinctive sign of Tierra de Sabor.

We belong to the quality denomination of Alimentos Artesanales de Castilla y León.

We are within the product club of Alimentos de Palencia.
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Some reviews
Gourmet line
Made in the same way and with the same ingredients for more than 60 years.
It is made up of two different branches and different formats.
Fine artisan butter puff pastries like Socorritos.
Assortment of different Pastas Finas de Té (fine tea pastries) with different textures and flavours.
The real pleasure for the most demanding palates.

The ultimate delight for the most discerning palates.
Good breakfast line
Composed of a wide range of pastries with different ingredients.
Stand out the Pasta Castellana (Castilian pastries) (Pisuerguinas) and the Pasta de la Abuela (Grandmother´s pastries) (Toribiucas).
Ingredients such as anise, cinnamon, pomace or almond are distinguished.
An assortment of pastries that will not be lacking in the day to day with a morning coffee.

A selection of pastries that will perfectly complement your morning coffee every day.
Catering line
They make up all of our products packed in 1.5 kg and 2 kg boxes.
Line for the HORECA channel but also for the small consumer.
We highlight the MINI Socorritos with icing sugar or with chocolate.
If you are a professional, or just have an event, surprise with something different, surprise with the highest quality.

If you are a professional, or simply have an event, surprise with something different, surprise with the highest quality.
Check out our latest press archives
Bronze Medal Pastas Uko Chamber of Commerce Palencia
Raquel, founder and honorary president of Pastas Uko, tells us about her 60-year career at the helm of the […]
Made in CyL and Pastas Uko
Hecho en Castilla y León”, led by María Nieto, travels this week to Cervera de Pisuerga, the heart of […]
Biscuits and puff pastry – Alimentaria 2018
Present at the Autonomy Pavilion at Alimentaria 2018 alongside Tierra de Sabor.