Condiciones de la LOPD
- Identity: Pastas y Hojaldres UKO S.L.
- Company name: Pastas y Hojaldres UKO S.L.
- NIF / CIF: B34101899
- Email:
Access and / or use of this Website attributes the condition of User, who accepts the general terms and conditions of use to be able to use all the services and information that are provided. These general conditions of use of the portal regulate access and use of the website, including the content and services made available to users. The mere access or use of the portal, of all or part of its contents and services means full acceptance of these conditions of use.
To inform you of the personal data we collect and the way we do it, you can access our Privacy Policy.
This website, therefore, strictly complies with the RGPD (REGULATION (EU) 2016/679 on data protection) and the LSSI-CE Law 34/2002, of July 11, on information society services and electronic commerce.
Any access or use that may be made of the information contained therein is the sole responsibility of whoever performs it. Therefore, the user accepts, expressly and without reservation, that the access and use of the portal is done under the sole and exclusive responsibility of him.
The company reserves the right to modify the general conditions of use of the website at any time. In any case, it is recommended that you periodically consult these general conditions of use, as they may be modified.
The continuous and permanent availability of the services is not guaranteed, thus being exonerated from any responsibility for possible damages caused as a result of the lack of availability of the service due to force majeure or errors in the telematic data transfer networks. , beyond their control, or due to disconnections made for improvement or maintenance work on computer equipment and systems. It will not be responsible for the interruption, suspension or termination of the information or services. Likewise, it is not responsible for possible omissions, loss of information, data, configurations, improper access or breach of confidentiality that originate from technical problems, communications or human omissions, caused by third parties or not attributable to the portal. Nor will it be liable for damages caused by computer attacks or caused by viruses that affect computer programs, communications systems or equipment used by the website but manufactured or provided by a third party. The portal may, at its sole discretion, deny, withdraw, suspend and / or block at any time and without prior notice access to information and services to those users who violate these rules.
Except for the cases that the Law expressly imposes otherwise, and exclusively to the extent and extent to which it imposes it, the application does not guarantee or assume any responsibility regarding possible damages caused by the use and use of the information, data and Web services.
In any case, the portal excludes any liability for damages that may be due to the information and / or services provided or supplied by third parties other than the company. All the responsibility will be of the third party, be it supplier, collaborator or other.
The company is the owner of all the intellectual and industrial property rights of its website, as well as the elements contained therein. All rights reserved.
By virtue of the provisions of articles 8 and 32.1, second paragraph, of the Intellectual Property Law, the reproduction, distribution and public communication, including the method of making them available, of all or part of the contents of this website, for commercial purposes, in any medium and by any technical means, without the authorization of the company.
En caso de que incluya links o enlaces con otros portales, tiene una finalidad meramente informativa, y no supone que la empresa recomiende y/o garantice dichos portales, sobre los que no ejerce control alguno, ni es responsable de los mismos.
In the event that includes links to other portals, it is for informational purposes only, and does not imply that the company recommends and / or guarantees said portals, over which it does not exercise any control, or is responsible for them.
PASTAS Y HOJALDRES UKO, S.L informs users of the website about its policy regarding the treatment and protection of personal data of users and customers that may be collected by browsing or contracting services through its website. In this sense, PASTAS Y HOJALDRES UKO, S.L guarantees compliance with current regulations on the protection of personal data, in the new data protection REGULATION. The use of this website implies acceptance of this privacy policy.
Collection, purpose and data processing: PASTAS Y HOJALDRES UKO, SL has the duty to inform users of its website about the collection of personal data that can be carried out, either by sending email or by filling in the forms included in the website. In this sense, PASTAS Y HOJALDRES UKO, S.L will be considered responsible for the data collected through the means described above. In turn PASTAS Y HOJALDRES UKO, SL informs users that the purpose of processing the data collected includes: The attention of requests made by users, inclusion in the contact list, provision of services, and management of the business relationship. The operations, procedures and technical procedures that are carried out in an automated or non-automated way and that enable the collection, storage, modification, transfer and other actions on personal data, are considered to be the processing of personal data. All personal data, which is collected through the website of PASTAS Y HOJALDRES UKO, SL and therefore has the consideration of processing of personal data, will be incorporated into the files declared before the Spanish Agency for Data Protection by PASTAS Y HOJALDRES UKO, SL
Communication of information to third parties: PASTAS Y HOJALDRES UKO, SL informs users that their personal data will not be transferred to third organizations, with the exception that said transfer of data is covered by a legal obligation or when the provision of a service implies the need for a contractual relationship with a treatment manager. In the latter case, the transfer of data to the third party will only be carried out when PASTAS Y HOJALDRES UKO, S.L has the express consent of the user.
User rights: The new GENERAL REGULATION for data protection grants interested parties the possibility of exercising a series of rights related to the processing of their personal data. As long as the user’s data is processed by PASTAS Y HOJALDRES UKO, S.L. Users may exercise their rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition in accordance with the provisions of current legal regulations on the protection of personal data. To exercise these rights, the user must go by written communication, providing documentation that proves her identity (ID or passport), to the following address: PASTAS Y HOJALDRES UKO, S.L, INFO@PASTASYHOJALDRESUKO.COM.